When I stepped over to the mr. deadfish booth at Bazaar Bizarre this holiday, I knew I was in trouble. Scarves in the shapes of dead animals made out the upcycled sweaters? Yes, please!!!
So when I got to know this gal a little better, I knew I had to share her stuff with the rest of the world.
Introducing the founder & designer of mr. deadfish for our latest "Awesome Artist Feature": Amy Ng!
Amy wearing mr. deadfish in shirt form. :)
[Photo courtesy of Amy Ng] |
Who are you? And what drives to you create!?
I am a San Francisco native that is inspired by everything around me. Generic as it may sound, I've been drawing ever since I could hold a pencil and once I discovered new media, I went bananas. Not only am I a full time video editor and animator, but on the side, I'm making daily scarves (for my 2011 challenge) and working on a children's book with a very talented friend Mr. Mito. Such inspirations can come from talented people like Camilla d'Errico and Marina Bychkova. Their choices of mediums are simply amazing and they've definitely mastered their artwork. Also, creating really keeps me out of trouble and lowers my cost of living, since I'm not going out buying drinks or karaoke-ing (though not dancing and eating lots of sweets is not reducing the thunder in my thighs)!
When & why did you start your Etsy shop?
I started my Etsy shop in November 2008 because I just had a million things in my house that I've created. My friends always told me that I should sell my stuff and that people would buy it, but it's really hard to keep up with all the stuff that I make. I love illustrating, which got me into hand-drawing cards, but I think I just wasn't getting enough exposure to sell any. Then I started making hair clips, little squirrel magnets, modifying My Little Pony dolls, clay figures, stuffed animals, and now I'm trying to get this dead animal scarf going. Who knows what it'll be next month!
Top 5 fave books, movies, music, artists...
I don't find myself having too much time to read nowadays, but I definitely have a few favorite movies in mind starting with a few childhood favorites.
The Neverending Story, The Secret of Nimh, and such tv shows like Out of This World, Small Wonder, David the Gnome, Looney Tunes, The Snorks, Jem and the Holograms and many more. Other movies I've enjoyed are Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Zombieland, Lovely, Still, Delicatessen, Moon, The Host and many others that I really can't think of right now.
- I love eighties music, so Hall & Oates is definitely ranked up there.
- Stevie Wonder is oh-so-delightful when I feel like I need a faster pace and pick me up.
- With the sultry voice of Bitter:Sweet, sometimes this is exactly what I need for snazziness.
- If I'm feeling a bit epic, bumping up Muse will always do the trick.
- And last, but not least, The Spinto Band really knocks my socks off and gets me groovin to the tunes.
As I strive to work with different mediums, here's a few people that drive me to love creating:
- Camilla d'Errico is awesome with her creepy sweet characters. So innocent and lovely.
- Marina Bychkova with her beautiful and sometimes twisted creations. I can't help but love and admire her work.
- Audrey Kawasaki can get rather magical with wood and paints. Her works just seems so dreamy and innocent.
- I can't forget about Scott Radke with his eerie and twisted painted sculptures. How could you not love that face?
- Christopher Conte is definitely amazing with his use of materials. I would never be able to create such wonders of art, but just looking at them makes my jaw drop every time.
The original mr. deadfish drawing
[Photo courtesy of Amy Ng] |
How did you come up with your business name?
This is actually a really random story. Long, long time ago around the turn of the century, working in the photo department of a drugstore in Davis, CA., I was running a pretty high fever. Feeling as though it would be unacceptable to call in sick, I stood in that little corner of a lab and spent most of the day sweating. Those photo lab machines used to spit out a few blank cuts before and after every batch print and since I was feeling a bit delusional, I decided to draw a bunch of dead animals with taglines to them. "I am mr. deadfish. I smell bad." and it was a drawing of mr. deadfish (which a friend of mine has the original copy). Of all the animals, mr. deadfish was the one that everybody loved, so it seemed only natural to have that be my business name.
Amy working late into the night on her newest scarf
[Photo courtesy of Amy Ng] |
What does a day in your life look like?
*Beep Beep Beep* It's six am. She shuts off the phone and pushes the blankets off the bed, allowing the chill to fully wake her. Fast forward. Six twenty, looking for all day parking in the SOMA. Video editing, animating, awesomeness. Three thirty, go home. Four pm. Spread out the colorful cut up upcycled sweaters and think about what to make for the day. Sometimes ideas are given by friends, but mostly, it's random. *snip snip snip* Cutting out the pieces. Six thirty, make the best dinner ever consisting of meat, veggies and carb. Seven thirty, finish working on scarf until the hours between eleven pm and one am. Rinse, repeat. What messes up the mix is when there's some action happening like going out. Evenings are condensed, then.
Social Squittens
[Photo courtesy of Amy Ng] |
What other favourite hobbies/activities do you enjoy?
I'm trying to have this monthly thing again called Social Squittens (A squitten is a cross between a kitten and a squid, demonstrated above, where I organize events such as rock climbing, archery, hiking, or various activities around the bay. I think one of them is definitely going to involve that new trampoline park that opened up in the Presidio. Social Squittens were created to meet cool new people. I have so many awesome friends and they all wanted to meet each other and meet more new friends, so I asked my friends to invite their friends. It usually ends up just being one large hangout session, but it's fun.
I also love animating and video editing. I'm a producer for my friend Marlon Torres of Torres Studios and he's one of the most talented people I know. He's simply amazing and I love working with him. You can see our WWII short film at papernautilusfilms.com.
To find out more about mr. deadfish and what Amy's up to, check out the links below:
Now, for the GIVEAWAY:
Head on over to the mr. deadfish blog to find out how to win a FREE SCARF of your own!