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I saw this at Rosalie's table at Geek Girl Con and I JUST HAD TO get it! Glasses Are Awesome - Shower Art by Ugly Baby |
About a week ago I was in Seattle, WA and stayed at my friend's house, cos they're cool like that. We agreed to help each other crash at each others' places when we were visiting our respective cities back at Craftcation. And it was marvelous!
I loved hanging at her place, filled with awesome art! In fact, while I was showering at their place, I got to see some of what they make in action.
What do they make, you ask?
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SHOWER ART! - I purchased some of their awesomeness for my friend. You should, too! Get some at UglyBaby.etsy.com! |
It was so great to see some shower art (waterproof art for your shower) in its intended habitat! In fact, their entire bathroom was kind of a shrine to everything awesome.
PROOF: When I needed to go to the bathroom, Rosalie told me to put on the 3D glasses and look around. The freaking art of the walls came to life! Best experience using the restroom ever!
I only share this peeing experience with you since we're such good friends. ;D
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Image by Jessica Glein |
Also Rosalie & Doug's company, Ugly Baby, was just featured on Etsy's blog under the "Quit Your Day Job" section!
Wowzers! I loved reading their ultra practical advice for leaving your 9-5 for a creative life.
If you're a creative human looking for some perspective on being a full-time artist, read on...
I gotta say, I always love product process shots. It inspires me to be more creative... Well, I'm even more inspired by throwing-glitter-in-the-air shots, but that's besides the point!
So, MY POINT WAS: I bought some shower art! I wanted to share the shower art that I got for my friend, Katy Kristin (who also make adorable things, but more on the jewelry side). She has a baby blue themed bathroom, and we love potty humour. I just know she'll love looking at Rosalie's art in her adorably themed shower.
And to thank Rosalie for letting us hang out at her house (appropriately dubbed "Couch Island") for the weekend, I made her a little something-something to go in her HUGE collection of designer dolls in her bathroom (oh, I didn't mention that she has an amazeball collection of toys on one of her bathroom walls?! No? Well, I should have)....
It's not finished (cos I underestimated the amount of time f*ckin' cacti spikes would take to make out of felt), but here's a sneak peek at her pressie!
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Rosalie had a mini collection of tokidoki items, so I made her a Bastardino! Then I branded that bad boy on the ass! |
I won't be making this fool to put up in the shop, but some of my readers have said they've wanted to see more of the items I've been working on! What do ya think?
Anywho, thank you so much to Rosalie & Doug of Ugly Baby for making amazing shower art & for the use of your couches. :)