'Derby Girls Rock my World!' by NerdJerk
I've got a wicked obsession with all things Roller Derby. Not-so-secretly crushing on the idea of being a full-blown Derby Girl is one of my specialties! Here's some rad gear that makes me wanna buy that first pair of skates and rock out!
I'm pretty sure of a few things in life... and one of those truths is that "We are all geeks about SOMETHING!"
Whereas I've never been too ashamed of my geekiness (heck - it's how I make a livin'! Thank you, loyal fans!), I do have a long-standing secret crush & embarrassing point of shame about said secret.
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Awesome starter skates that I've been eyeing since before Maker Faire 2011. On SALE for $144.99 USD RollerSkateNation |
I wanna be a bad-ass derby girl!!! RAWR! :)
I am totally afraid of skating. :(Okay, okay! I can hear you all the way from over here!
- "What's WRONG with you?"
- "How could you wanna be a derby girl and not be willing to suck it up and get a little beat up?"
- "There's no way you'd make it as a bad-ass. Better stick to yarn!"
And you know what? Part of that might be right! But not all of it. So to answer your (*ahem* hypothetical) questions:
- Nothing is truly wrong with me other than:
- I was traumatized by roller blades as a young child. Take 9 y.o. girl with poor balance, add roller blades, a rope, a bike and some sugar-crazed kid pulling you along downhill on asphalt. Marinate for almost 20 years. Serve.
- I'm the heaviest I've ever been in my life & as other types of physical exercise leave little to be desired, the prospect of derby gets my blood going!
- Roller Blades are not Roller Skates.Roller skates have the potential to hold more weight at a better distribution. And possibly go slower... down hills?
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Roller Derby Poster by Whiskey7Art - $5 USD on Etsy |
- Dude - although I've got these extra pounds and gimpy crochetitized wrists, I'm willing to make it happen. I just need to get that first pair of skates. I suppose I can *grow* a pair while I'm savin' to buy a pair.
- I will stick to yarn, but I'll do you one better. I'll make my own bad-ass derby gear. ;) Being a hookin' baller has it's perks.
That being said, I ended up getting an email from Erica of Derby Girls Blog about possibly doing some advertising on their site. As I've yet to fully invest myself into the derby culture, I don't know if I would quite fit in very well. But it still got me thinkin' about how much I love the culture! Which led me to looking at my favourites on Etsy! Which led to a treasury! Which is what today's Geek Chic Guide is all about!
What activities have you just been dying to try out?!
Have you gone for it yet? If not, what's holdin' you back?