
27 July 2010

The Roving Reporter - A New Member of the SF Etsy Blog Team

Self-portrait of an artist hard at work. Apparently, Diet Grapefruit Soda is essential.

"It isn't easy being Cheesey!" once said a very famous Cheetah. And now that I have been given a similarly monumental task, I understand all too well.

A few weeks ago, I ended up going to an SF Etsy Team Blog meeting chat at 9 PM on a Thursday. I thought it was mandatory for all SF Etsy members and was looking forward to meeting some new people on the team, as I'd only recently joined. However, when I found that it was just me, Jen of Mama's Magic Studio, Ros of Scottish Lily Jewelry and Eko from Eko Jewelry Design, I found it a pleasant surprise to see that I was actually at a meeting to talk about blog ideas.

I guess it helps when you don't read the fine print; you get some of the greatest opportunities of your life that way.

Having already vowed to myself that I would be better about working diligently to make my own blog a gigantic success (still pending), I'd read up on different ways to work on productivity & ideas beforehand. Going into a chat with these ideas in mind, you wouldn't believe the different kinds of discussions you can have when a whole team is on the same brainstormin' page!

By the end of the chat, I was feeling all geared up after tossing out idea after idea with such fantastic feedback coming at me. And then I did something I never would have done a year ago: I volunteered to write for the Blog.

Keep in mind, I've been against all social media for as long as I can remember (I didn't join MySpace til it was on its way out and I still abhor Twitter with a passion), so even starting THIS blog was a bit out of my comfort zone.

However, when I said,
"Well I have a camera and I love taking photos for my blog. I could go around to craft shows & the like to make the blog more visual..?"
I didn't know that it was going to translate to
"Oh, so you could go to shows, take pictures & do write-ups about them to report 'em back to the blog! That's GREAT!"
... Um... yeah? :D

Thus, one of the newest members of the SF Etsy Team was dreamed up: The Roving Reporter!

While very exciting, it's also very scary to think that my blog posts will be read by anymore than 29 people at a time. :)

On the other hand, it's going to force to step up my game and actually rock out a little harder than usual.

Jenn Meyer (left) & Christina Richards (right) share a laugh in front of the Blue Macaw
as I failed yet again to capture a shot of Jenn doin' the Running Man at Market- SF.

Having already taken on assignments for upcoming/on-going shows in San Francisco, my first post is going to be covering Market-SF - its beginnings, what it stands for and where it's heading. Jenn Meyer of RomeyDesigns & Christina Richards of Finch Design have been more than generous with their time & efforts, so I'll be letting you all get a more in-depth view of the story behind one of the newest on-going artist showcases in the City. Look forward to that post at the SF Etsy Team Blog in the next few days!

My second & third assignments are kind of grouped together in one (except in involves 3 days of reporting and photography!) as I aim to capture the spirit of handmade at the Etsy Meet Up at MOCFA this Friday AND the 3rd Annual Renegade Craft Fair this Saturday and Sunday (11 AM til 7 PM).

I've already sent out a call-out invitation for both SF Etsy members that will be at the Meet-Up and at Renegade to let me know when they'll be available to chat and take pics. Hopefully this leads to some very exciting times for the blog.

Now, if I could only get myself to figure out how to make myself write stuff without the monumental amount of pressure I put on myself to make these Roving Reporter posts the best pieces I've ever written...

How have you overcome challenges that may have prevented you from succeeding in something you REALLY wanted to do well at?
What helped you along? What didn't help so much?


  1. I'm betting you'll step up and do a fantastic job -- I'm really looking forward to your posts! As a perfectionist myself (especially about my own writing) I well understand the pressure that one can put upon oneself to excel, especially in a public forum like a blog. But one of the things I like most about blogging is that it is very often "of the moment" and (for me at least) that takes a wee bit of the pressure off. KWIM?

    To answer your question with one example, I held off for years from starting a blog because I wanted it to be Perfect. And because I knew next to nothing about blogging! But then I just figured, well, I can never do this at all, and miss out entirely on something that looks fun and rewarding, or I can jump in and learn as I go. Same thing with Etsy, actually! And here I am, 3+ years later, having a great time and still learning, taking it day by day.

    Anyway, I'm sure you'll do wonderfully, Ms. Roving Reporter! Thanks again for being willing to volunteer (or at least be volunteered, lol) and if there's anything I can do to help, let me know!

  2. Jen, as always, your kindness and patience helps motivate me to do the best job I can possibly do. :)

    And you're right - sometimes the best thing we can do is just get in there and do it because one never knows unless one takes a chance.

    I'm looking forward to these new challenges. This post was kind of helping me wet my feet. We'll see how the temp is when I jump into the deep end of the of blog pool!

  3. Woohoo!! I'm so jealous! You have a sweet opportunity in front of you and I'm sure many more will come out of this one. Congrats!

  4. You are going to do great! What a fantastic opportunity for you. :) Looking forward to reading your articles on the sfetsy blog, and I am hoping to get up to Market SF in September (this month is nuts), so hopefully we can see each other again there! Cheers

  5. @Feisty - Jealous? *laughs* Thanks, mate. hehe I just hope I can deliver. Any time a sweet opportunity has been before me in the past, I always got overwhelmed. I'm doing my best not to do that here. :)

    @jargonhead - What an awesome surprise seeing you here! :) Thanks so much for checkin' in! It'd be awesome to see you at another Market SF this coming Fall (as August is sort of nuts for a LOT of people)! Thanks so much for the support. (p.s. Is it cool is a post of a photo of you and possibly email you later?)


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